Data-driven 10X Digital Marketing

With billions of blogs and landing pages across the internet, making your content stand out can be daunting. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to boost traffic to your content—and one of the most effective avenues is social media. Social media combines the best of human interactions with the benefits of online advertising, making it an ideal channel to market your content. Looking to boost your content’s engagement through social media? Use these content marketing tips to make it happen:

1. Tailor Your Content to the Platform

Copying and pasting your blog posts to every social media channel is a strategy doomed to fail (or at least not perform well). Those who try this approach risk damaging their online reputation; repetitive content can appear disingenuous or lazy to an engaged audience. This content doesn’t incentivize anyone to click through to your site. 

So when you create material, make sure you post relevant content to the right online community:

  • Facebook: Share snippets and quotes along with a direct link.
  • Instagram: Use a relevant, thought-provoking picture and a summary in the caption.
  • LinkedIn: Ask thought-provoking questions and position your blog as a resource for answers.
  • Twitter and TikTok: Share short teasers and critical points, promising more detail on your blog.
  • YouTube: Create long-form content that complements your blog post (but doesn’t fully repeat it).

You don’t need to promote your content on every platform, but pick two or three to focus on and be consistent. Also, avoid only posting links to your content; if that’s all your followers see, they may get annoyed and stop following you. If you want long-term success on social media, you’ll have to engage with them with human, helpful, and (sometimes) brand-focused material.

2. Meaningfully Engage Your Audience

Everyone wants connection. Social media offers opportunities for a back-and-forth that PPC ads don’t. Therefore, prioritize community engagement—respond to the people who interact with your content to bolster their confidence in your brand.

One way to engage and get real-time feedback is by taking advantage of polls. Polls create billions of conversations every day. They offer an easy way for customers to share their opinion and drive your impressions through the roof. Because this tool is public, customers can see where they stand compared to their peers, creating space for interesting conversations in your comments section. 

Be active in your comments section. Ask questions, and respond to answers. Give your customers genuine responses, and form a conversation that generates value for both of you. The more you discuss, the more the platform boosts your posts, and the cycle repeats. This unique advantage of social media is one of its greatest strengths—take advantage of the ability to create a bond with your audience that no one-way ad can match. 

3. Leverage User-Generated Content 

While you can do your best to explain your unique selling point to consumers, no self-promotion matches the power of user-generated content. The truth is that customers trust each other to give them the information they need far more than they trust brands. 

To this end, you can use user-generated content to highlight your brand with social proof that doesn’t feel sales-y. Showcase glowing reviews, videos of customers using your content, influencer videos showcasing your products, and more. This content shows customers a real-life example of your product and humanizes what your brand has to say.

4. Tap a Marketing Agency 

If you’ve tried all the content marketing tips and things still aren’t working, you don’t have to go it alone. Instead, you can work with experienced agencies in your industry. They can help you grow your social media audiences, find the right places and times to post your content, and more. And the best news is? You don’t have to go far to find a good agency. Our team at 10x Digital is here to help you get started and propel your brand forward with content marketing.