Data-driven 10X Digital Marketing

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising allows us to use the massive amounts of targeting data that exists in the world to reach your targeted audience(s) via Display, Pre-Roll Video/commercials, and Native ads on platforms.


Why Choose 10x for Programmatic Advertising Services?

For qualified campaigns, we use proprietary pixel technology.


• Experienced and knowledgeable team of programmatic ad specialists;

• Customizable solutions tailored to your business goals and target audience;

• Real-time optimization of campaigns to maximize ROI;

• Advanced targeting capabilities to reach the right audience at the right time;

• Transparency and data-driven approach to ensure measurable results;

• Use smartdata and listmatch/look alike lists for higher, more accurate reach;

• 24/7 support and account management to ensure customer satisfaction.​

Futuristic ad targeting with high ROI, TODAY!

  • Streaming TV;
  • Mobile devices;
  • Desktop searches;
  • LinkedIn;
  • Other, depending on where your targeted users primarily reside/surf the Internet.

Vineyard Senior Living Case Study

  • In just 2 months, over 275,000 commercial impressions & over 400 clicks to the website via companion display ads
  • 82% increase in website conversions for both organic + direct traffic