Data-driven 10X Digital Marketing


  • Comprehensive Marketing Strategy
  • Regional PR & Content Marketing
  • Improved Search Rankings (SEO)


Re-brand and market an orthopaedic and neurosurgical practice after a merger to build awareness and position them as the premiere ortho and neuro practice in the region.


10x serves as the in-house, out-of-house marketing division for CONA, providing holistic comprehensive marketing, from digital to traditional, including:

  • Rebranding
  • Website & landing pages
  • PPC campaigns
  • Billboard/signage
  • Print ads/direct mail
  • Regional PR
  • National PR/backlinks


  • Website/landing pages; within 1 month of web launch, achieved 500K+ impressions
  • PPC campaigns resulting in more than 90 conversions each month
  • Promotion of new physicians attracts patients/appointments several months out
  • Several regional articles and 4 national articles within 6 months
  • Consistent branding/messaging to build name recognition and awareness in the region

Examples of Placements