Data-driven 10X Digital Marketing

Pay-per-click Advertising

Successful PPC advertising campaigns drive targeted traffic—people who are searching for your services—to your website. For those questioning whether or not your business needs to spend money on PPC ads, you could be missing out on substantial conversions. Efficient PPC campaigns can put your business in the driver’s seat; getting you results and conversions quicker than any other tactic of digital marketing. Our digital advertising specialists have 10-plus years of experience managing PPC campaigns, developing targeting landing pages and optimizing them for conversions.

Top 5 Benefits of PPC Advertising

  • Targeted directly to your customers;
  • Increased traffic;
  • First-page search results;
  • Reaches customers ready to buy;
  • Greater control of ROI.

PPC Management

PPC advertising is not a ‘set it and forget it’ marketing tactic. Aside from foundation elements needed, most campaigns require almost daily monitoring and optimization. For marketers who already wear many hats or those who don’t have significant experience, it can be very challenging to ensure PPC advertising is profitable.

We proactively track, test and optimize dozens of factors and metrics on major search engines and social media platforms. Whether using Google, Bing, Facebook or Instagram, we know how to maximize sales generated by your campaigns.

Local Listings

As a local business, you may struggle to out-rank large national competitors in organic search. By keeping the basic details about your business up to date, however, you’re able to capture the attention of potential customers who are searching for a company with your services. Your local listings are an opportunity to drive brand equity, traffic to your site, trust with potential customers and much more.


AdWords is Google’s PPC advertising platform. More than likely, most of your customers are searching for you on Google. Depending on your industry, it can be hard to compete with top-dollar digital marketing budgets and get your business organically listed on the first page of Google. With a successful AdWords campaign, you can compete on the same level as other companies in your industry. AdWords is consistently seen as one of the best ways to target and reach customers who are already searching for you.

Our team has significant expertise managing the following types of AdWords campaigns:

  • Search and Display
  • Shopping
  • Retargeting / Prospecting


While Google dominates the search engine market for most industries, Bing can still provide a large market for your business to target. Depending on your target demographic, you could see an increase in conversions using Microsoft Advertising combined with Google AdWords or better results overall.

Our digital advertising specialists can set up new campaigns or migrate your existing AdWords campaigns to Microsoft Advertising and then work to achieve maximum performance. We’ll compare the results from Microsoft Advertising and AdWords to determine the best strategy for ROI.

Case Study: LIV Student

Improve the performance of existing Google Ads campaigns

Case Study Preview

  • Conversion rate increased by 126% YOY
  • Cost per conversion decreased by 78%
  • Average cost per click decreased by 50%