Data-driven 10X Digital Marketing

Near the end of 2022, Google released new algorithm updates that prioritized personal, streamlined search experiences. Consumers have high expectations for search engine results—and to make that first page of links, you need to understand how Google operates in the first place. As you plan your 2023 marketing strategy, our experts recommend tapping into the following B2B search marketing trends:

Migrate All Website Data to Google Analytics 4

Effective July 2023, Google Analytics 4 replaced Universal Analytics as the primary user behavior-tracking tool. Clicks, views, impressions and engagements are now all in one place. To accurately track search metrics, you’ll want to migrate all content, tags and metadata to this interface as soon as possible. GA4 measures consumer behavior and attribution across your online ecosystem at each stage in the customer journey. Those insights will help you build a seamless search experience, no matter where or how users interact with you. 

Focus on Helpful Content and User Experience

As of this year, the SERP rankings are all about high-value content written for human interest, usefulness, and entertainment. Because of Google’s recent “Helpful Content” update, the algorithm now looks for content that satisfies the specific preference of your target audience. Lower-quality or promotional content that mainly exists to drive clicks—without offering actual value—is filtered out of the top results. The moral of the story? Don’t keyword stuff your content or create content that doesn’t deliver authentic value to the reader.

Create Multi-Search Assets for SERP Results

Almost 50 percent of consumers use search engines to discover new products or services. Google’s new multi-search function will begin to include multimedia assets in search results, including:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Maps
  • PDF files
  • Calendar events
  • Infographics

Users can also use visual media to search for content, opening the lens icon in the Google app and taking a screenshot of the item they’re searching for. Intuitive AI technology will refine the search with multimedia results—so don’t forget to infuse visual content into your online brand ecosystem.

Make Personalized, Local Searches the Priority

Another B2B search marketing tactic that’ll gain momentum in 2023 is focusing on local-specific content. Localization is not new, but this year, local search will lean into precise queries and immersive virtual experiences. Your content must include long-tail keywords that niche audiences search for to remain competitive in the SERP. Your Google Business Profile should also be up-to-date with the most accurate location, hours, and contact information, making it searchable in Google’s new “Live View” navigation. 

Optimize Content for AI and Machine Learning

In direct response to the tech firm OpenAI’s launch of ChatbotGPT, Google has some AI-powered innovations in the works for 2023. A new chatbot will be integrated into desktop and mobile versions of the search engine, so users can access information in a natural, human-like format. Once the technology is fine-tuned, it will automatically perform all sorts of complex functions. Google’s plan for this chatbot integration is to create interactive searches with conversational answers and auto-translation. 

Supercharge Your Search Marketing Plan in 2023

These five trends will change the landscape of B2B search marketing this year, so it’s essential to be ahead of the curve. Our expert team at 10x Digital is here to formulate a marketing strategy to ensure your brand is visible and competitive across all online channels. Contact us, and let’s start on your plan of action for 2023.