Data-driven 10X Digital Marketing

Driving new revenue is the shared task of the sales and marketing teams. Whether through digital marketing, traditional advertising or networking, both teams are working hard to build your brand and make it sustainable for the future. 

Content Marketing and Sales

Content marketing is one of the best ways to attract and retain customers, using several strategies to reach new clients. Let’s look at how content marketing drives sales and outline a few ways to incorporate it into your long-term strategy:

1. Create Content Based on Feedback from Customers

Surprisingly enough, your customers can be valuable assets when crafting new content. Pay attention to their feedback whenever they purchase a new product to discover ideas for promotional purposes.

For example, a business selling children’s toys could have multiple customers come in and request the most popular toys for 2-year-olds. After pointing out a few items, the sales agent could inform the marketing department about the inquiry. The marketing team could then create a few blog posts discussing the top toys for 2-year-olds to meet consumer interest.

2. Use Demo Videos for Expensive or New Products

Customers are often on the fence when faced with a buying decision for a new or unfamiliar product. Sales teams can build consumer confidence and help their decision-making by providing video demos of the product. 

Organizations should include demos on their website or social media channels for consumers to watch. Seeing the product in action often convinces someone to purchase it, especially when they understand how it helps them solve an existing problem.

3. Develop Blogs and Articles for Products and Services

Blogs and articles are helpful for organizations seeking to improve their credibility among customers. Generally, the more written content you have available on your website, the more likely a customer will see you as an authority on a chosen topic.

You can develop articles related to your products or services depending on your industry. Think of each piece as an opportunity for a potential customer to find you through search engines. 

If your content is good enough, or readers believe they need your services, they’ll likely convert into customers. Individuals who don’t immediately buy from you may consider doing so in the future, especially if they continue to find helpful content from you.

4. Turn Your Articles into Videos or Social Media Posts

There is a lot of written content on the internet, and every article you post will likely compete with other articles with similar keywords. Plan on promoting your content through various channels to get the maximum benefit from each blog. 

It’s easier than you think: you can start by posting links to your blog on social media channels like Facebook or Twitter. If your article attracts a lot of readers, consider repurposing it into a short video and posting it on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. 

The more attention you can attract to your content, the better. Over time, your customers will begin to see you as an authority in your industry and remember you when making a purchase.

5. Consider User-Generated Content

Encourage customers to share a public review using your hashtag when purchasing a product or service. You’ll be able to view every public post that mentions your company or uses the hashtag.

Savvy marketers will reshare public posts from their customers on social media channels, attracting even more attention. Potential customers who see the post will gain awareness of your brand, likely improving sales and boosting your engagement.

How Content Marketing Drives Sales: It Builds Awareness

You can use content marketing to attract customers and retain existing ones. In short, the more you publish content, the more likely your company will reap revenue benefits—an opportunity no organization can afford to pass up.

If your organization could use content marketing help, reach out to the 10x Digital marketing team. We’ll teach you how content marketing drives sales and implement new strategies to build your brand.