Data-driven 10X Digital Marketing

Website Magazine interviewed Executive Vice President Brian Copening for a recent feature on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for retailers.

The article provides some insights into what to consider when looking at implementing CRM in the retail environment. If you are in the retail industry and are looking at options for managing your customer data, this article is definitely worth a read. To read the full article click here

Here is an excerpt from the article:

Do retailers need a CRM?

“A CRM platform can be a useful tool for retailers particularly when integrated within their website and content management strategies. Retail marketing is increasingly becoming a 1:1 interaction. With the increasing complexity of retail sales funnels and the focus of custom content tailored to the user, it is becoming increasingly important for all retailers to track the interactions with their customer.”

~ Brian Copening, Executive Vice President of 10x Digital

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Website Magazine is a monthly publication with both print and digital editions that discusses the wide topics of website development, marketing and SEO among others.