Data-driven 10X Digital Marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO) is more than just a quick analysis and some keywords. When you get it right, competitive SEO strategies can build your brand and drive business. We’re going to unpack six of the reasons that SEO should be taking a more significant role in your strategy this year:

1. SEO drives traffic.

Okay, let’s start with the basics: your website is more likely to drive the traffic you need to meet business goals when you have a strong SEO strategy. Your keywords, meta tags, content, social media, and backlinks all work together to bring users from across the web to your site. Each of those pieces acts as a link between what the user says they want, and the digital content you offer. Without strong SEO, you limit your ability to establish those meaningful connections and rank higher in organic searches. 

2. SEO improves domain authority.

Your website’s domain authority is the “ranking power” that a search engine assigns your website. If you’re actively developing high-value content, generating accurate and compelling meta descriptions and leveraging targeted keywords, you inherently rank higher. This means that search engines see your website, and its content, as non-spammy and valuable to users. SEO work can significantly improve your domain authority and ultimately increase the digital market share you have over competitors.

3. SEO increases engagement and conversions.

SEO research is just as much about listening as it is about doing. If you’re going to set up your website, digital marketing and online accounts to appear at the top of search results, you have to have a keen understanding of who is doing the searching. A strong understanding of and relationship with your target audience will help drive more competitive SEO strategies, and vice versa. When you have a target audience locked in and you’ve listened to their needs, SEO helps you speak directly back to them and deliver search content that meets their expectations.

At 10x digital, we have also seen just how powerful SEO can be when attempting to gain traction in a local market. Our experts see local listings as an, “opportunity to drive brand equity, traffic to your site…and trust with potential customers.”

4. SEO drives content marketing.

Want to get the most money out of your content marketing campaigns? According to a report from Statista, search ad spending is expected to reach roughly $137 billion dollars this year. Combine that with other general content marketing, and you’ve got a big market to compete against. SEO tactics help ensure that your content is hyper-targeted from the start, and set up to reach the right people over time. 

5. SEO can help you identify and reach new audiences.

When you go through a thorough and ongoing SEO research process, you just might stumble upon new audiences to market toward. An audience-first strategy means that you focus on combining your website’s data with third-party data to create a clear image of who you’re selling to—and who you might be missing.

6. SEO provides precise, quantifiable results.

There can be a lot of nuance when it comes to understanding the efficacy of a campaign. One of the best things about SEO work is how you can quickly understand what’s working (and what’s not) through clear, quantifiable data. In software like Google Analytics, you can track rank changes, conversions and website traffic as indicators of your success. When you have clear data, it’s easier to understand where to place your focus for the next big campaign.

Unlock the Power of SEO

If you’re looking to start or expand your SEO strategy, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team and learn how you can tap into some of these benefits. It’s important to call out that SEO work isn’t always easy, and it usually takes time to start seeing significant results. But, once you’ve built that engine and given it time to run, there’s no stopping your conversions!