To be successful, B2B marketers must keep up with emerging technologies, changing markets, and economic factors that can impact the sales funnel. At the same time, they face the challenge of finding ways to stand out from the crowd in competitive niches.
More than ever, B2B marketing teams need creative digital marketing strategies that achieve their goals—revenue and bottom line are essential parts of the conversation. If you’re feeling stuck in your B2B marketing strategy, our team recommends implementing these four out-of-the-box strategies:
1. Teach Them Something They Can Use Right Now
The marketing process isn’t only complicated for you, the marketer; it’s also become complex and frustrating for the customer. Worse, B2B marketers can worsen potential relationships by delivering content to consumers that don’t meet their expectations or needs.
Cut through all that noise and lead off with something that adds value right from the jump. You can do this by putting out detailed, actionable content that educates and is delivered early in the customer journey.
While your competitors are scrambling to stand out with traditional, top-of-funnel awareness content, you’ll reach out with something that makes life easier for your customers. As such, this creative digital marketing strategy immediately casts you as a company bringing something helpful to the table.
2. Incorporate Humor and Humanity
The adage that you’re “always selling to people” is true, even in the B2B world.
It isn’t a company reading or watching your content—it’s a person. To make the right impression, you must communicate in a way that resonates with real human beings. Nothing accomplishes that quite like humor or genuine humanity.
But remember, you need to apply humor relevant to your prospect’s niche and show you understand their objectives and struggles. For example, Lenovo’s Users Happen recent campaign targeted IT teams with a splash of their humor. It showed that Lenovo understands the challenges its customers face, and they’re ready to help.
3. Consider Creating Audio Content
There’s nothing wrong with written or visual content. It works, which is why most marketing campaigns center around them.
There’s just one hurdle to overcome: unlike B2C content, which audiences consume in their free time, B2B content has a window of impact between 9 AM – 5 PM. Unfortunately, taking in a blog post or video while managing other daily work tasks is difficult.
It is possible to consume audio content while engaged in other activities, explaining why podcasts are popular. People can tune in, learn something new, and benefit from your expertise without devoting 100 percent of their attention to a screen. Want to generate audio content of your own? You can get started by offering an audio version of your blog posts for people who would rather hear what you have to say.
4. Embrace the Return of In-Person Events
The trend toward digital events continues even now that the pandemic has somewhat diminished. However, B2B marketing teams that embrace in-person events have a real opportunity to stand out. You and your prospective clients both stand to benefit from the more intimate in-person interactions that simply don’t occur in digital spaces.
Get your target audience out of their offices and into a physical space where accurate, person-to-person communication and collaboration are possible. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the positive direction things take.
More Creative Digital Marketing
Are you interested in applying creative marketing strategies in your B2B campaigns? The staff at 10X Digital are experts in using innovative techniques alongside best practices proven to get results. Contact us today to discuss your next digital marketing campaign.