Data-driven 10X Digital Marketing


10X Digital Announces Jena Patel as Latest Digital Marketing Scholarship Winner

10X Digital is proud to announce Jena Patel as the latest recipient of the 10X Digital Marketing Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to students who exhibit a strong passion for digital marketing and aspire to use their knowledge to create impactful solutions....

Embracing AI: Why SEO Is More Essential Than Ever

AI is everywhere, from tools like ChatGPT automating our emails to search platforms like Gemini reshaping how we find answers. But what do all these innovations mean for SEO? Is it still relevant in an era when AI has taken over? The short answer is absolutely. The...

Navigating Google’s Latest Updates: Why SEO Still Reigns Supreme

Google is constantly changing the rules. It may seem like your website ranks at the top one minute, and you’re wondering where it all went wrong the next. It’s easy to view SEO as an unsolvable puzzle, but this online marketing tactic is here to stay. No matter how...

How Brand Recognition Drives SEO Success

Most businesses focus on target keywords, backlinks, and technical optimizations when building a successful SEO strategy. But another often-overlooked factor can significantly impact a website’s organic search visibility: brand recognition.  Imagine how much easier it...

Mastering Organic SEO: 10 Steps to Improve Search Visibility and Foster Growth

Search engine optimization (SEO) will help your business promote organic search visibility and achieve sustainable growth. Effective SEO strategies are vital to increase your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), attract more qualified consumer...

8 Proven Tips to Keep Your Website Ranking High

Search engine ranking reports show how visible your website is on a search engine results page (SERP). Having a high SERP position makes it easier to reach your target audience. Once you achieve this desired position, the real challenge is maintaining it. But don’t...
What’s Up with 10X?

What’s Up with 10X?

A quarterly review We met with our client --UCSD Extension--this September in San Diego. We always love meeting in sunny SoCal, as we conduct marketing brainstorming and as always love seeing Account Executive Sara Spohr in her happening city. We are spreading the...

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A 3-Minute Recap of Google Bard’s July 2023 Update

A 3-Minute Recap of Google Bard’s July 2023 Update

On July 13, 2023, Google announced new features for the AI-powered chat service, Google Bard. Since its launch in February 2023, this platform has amassed over 140 million active users. While ChatGPT still leads the race in overall traffic, this latest Google Bard...

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What You Need to Know About Generative AI vs. AGI

What You Need to Know About Generative AI vs. AGI

According to a recent survey, more than 60 percent of marketers have used artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline their workflow in 2023. From automating content creation to brainstorming new ideas or tracking performance metrics, there are many reasons to...

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The Impacts of AI in Healthcare Marketing

The Impacts of AI in Healthcare Marketing

While the early origins of artificial intelligence (AI) trace back decades, its use has grown exponentially over the past few years. These new AI tools, such as ChatGPT or Synesthesia, are bound to impact a number of industries, including healthcare.  Recently, Holly...

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